The City of Stockton’s Country Club Trunk Sewer Design/Build Project designed and constructed approximately 10,000 linear feet of large diameter wastewater pipeline to replace an existing 100 year old, 36 inch diameter redwood pipeline through the center of Stockton. The critical trunk wastewater pipeline provides service to central and northeast Stockton. The pipeline has a capacity to transport peak wastewater flows of 26 cubic feet per second. Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc. (KSN) teamed with DSS Company (DSS) to deliver the project under a design/build contract with the City of Stockton. KSN provided all surveying, mapping, civil engineering, permitting, construction staking and construction support for the project. The project was constructed within existing, heavily traveled street rights of way, which required detailed traffic control plans and construction phasing plans. Close coordination with existing utility providers was critical to minimize below grade conflicts with existing facilities and to avoid disruption of utility services during construction. An extensive public outreach effort was necessary to keep local residences and businesses informed of the project progress. The connections to the existing collection system at either end of the project had to be carefully orchestrated to maintain flows in the existing pipeline.