The State Route 99 and State Route 120 Project consisted of the construction and reconstruction of the interchange structure at SR 99 and widening SR 120 east to Austin Road. Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc. (KSN) was retained by Quincy Engineering, Inc. to provide the surveying, mapping and right-of-way acquisition documents for the PS&E phase of the project. KSN provided design level aerial based topographic mapping, ground surveys, utility research and right-of-way mapping. KSN performed all necessary field surveys to supplement the design efforts including ground surveys on SR 99 and SR 120 which required lane closures and additional encroachment permits. Lane additions and ramp modifications along SR 99 required design support ground surveys to determine the as-built conditions at bridge crossings and transition points for planned improvements. KSN prepared the final right-of-way acquisition documents, and provided staking of the proposed right-of-way takes to assist in the appraisal efforts for the project.